I cannot believe it has been one year since I joined Brookstone Capital Management as an investment advisor representative.  This relationship has assisted me tremendously in achieving my primary goal, to best serve your investment needs.  Brookstone is a leading wealth management firm with an impressive track record in helping clients to preserve and build wealth.

Last week I had the pleasure of attending the Brookstone annual conference.  They are truly a first class organization committed to bringing some of the very best money managers to you, my client.

Brookstone Capital Management (BCM) is a Registered Investment Advisor headquartered in Wheaton,IL.  It is led by Dean Zayed, a well-known and respected investment professional.  Perhaps you have seen Dean on one of his previous appearances on CNBC and Fox Business News.

For my clients, you have my commitment that we will do everything we can to build a portfolio that can weather the test of time throughout your retirement.

BCM has a disciplined investment strategy rooted in strategic and tactical asset allocation that emphasizes risk-managed portfolios designed to meet the specific needs and risk tolerance of their clients.  Also important to me is that BCM’s fee structure is competitive and is completely transparent to clients.

I encourage you to learn more about what Brookstone has to offer you by visiting: http://www.brookstonecm.com/individual-investors  and listening to Dean’s short video under “Why Invest Through Brookstone?”.

Once you have, give me a call at (779)220-9608 for your complimentary risk strategy session.


Carla J. Merlak

Investment Advisor Representative

Investment advisory services offered through Brookstone Capital Management, LLC (BCM), a registered investment advisor.
BCM and Carla J. Merlak are independent of each other.